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Freya Bain

Freya is a three-dimensional illustrator, with a multi-craft practice spanning a range of media. With a strong quirky style and evolving visual language, she is fascinated with boxes and the concept of containment and tessellation, currently exploring wood and paper. 

Her work grants us, as a viewer, permission to explore design aesthetics, inviting viewers to ‘eat with their eyes’ through her creations, and enjoy a playful sense of nostalgia and whimsy. 

Using her material knowledge and generating a substantial collection of work, depicting food: seasonal, fresh, preserved goods & edible items in the form of tins, boxes, cans, etc; and using the imagery and motifs of fruits and vegetables.  

Her creative exploration is process-driven, focusing on applied arts, inspired by vintage style & decorative packaging, using visual language to communicate a ‘Thread of Freya’.