When lockdown was announced last March 2020 I was ridiculously happy at the prospect of being locked in to my studio for 3 months. It was a glorious spring and I was inspired to explore colour and set myself various projects all of which left me with pots of colour I had mixed. Rather than wasting them I used them up painting stripes onto Japanese calligraphy paper I’d had for years. As the pile of A4 papers started piling up I began sticking them on the wall – yes I’ll wallpaper the inside of my studio. I grew happier and happier and felt I had stumbled across an import breakthrough in the way I worked.
Stripes of joy – acrylic paint on Japanese calligraphy paper.

Then came the phone call from my parents carers, my Mum was seriously ill. I left that day for Dorset and didn’t return to my studio until January 2021. Four deaths – first Aunt Esther from Covid then my beautiful Mum from cancer then Tim my very close lifelong friend and then my beautiful Dad faded away from Alzheimers. Four funerals and the sale of the family home later I returned to my studio in a very different frame of mind and responded with this second piece. An assemblage of things inherited from my parents who were both painters and had met at art college 65 years previously.
Homage to Jo and Mike – slippers, chair, furry dice, shredded colour paper, pure pigments.