My practice involves using a combination of materials, such as film slides/reels, paint and found imagery; to create experimental collages with the intention of distorting, combining and generating new narratives. I enjoy appropriating objects, from old charity shop images to the texts which are sourced from a wider audience, reviving something once discarded. My current practice explores the relationship between text and image through repetition, specifically used in a way to engage audiences to formulate new contextual meanings. I am excited by the idea of artworks having multiple meanings and I’m interested in the way people generate meanings when reading images.
With this particular series of images I have combined image and text together; the text was obtained by asking a group of women ‘What adversity/ challenge have you faced as a woman?’. The narratives within these images directly associate themselves with a female voice, with the amalgamation of both text and image. This work has been informed by the sexism and bigotry that women are still challenged with within contemporary society. I hope that this piece of work opens up a conversation around how things still aren’t where they should be in terms of gender equality.