My aim was to create a range of functional tools inspired by Dartmoor and surrounding countryside to facilitate a more sustainable and self-sufficient life. I have used a variety of methods and processes to give traditional tools an attractive finish whilst maintaining their functionality.

Growing up on a smallholding in the Devonshire countryside I have always had a need for quality tools. This, combined with my love of traditional crafts and activities, and my desire to be less reliant on ‘the system’ has culminated in my project: producing a range of functional tools with attractive finishes, to be used in facilitating a more self-sufficient life.
I have experimented with many different processes, from engraving and inlaying to blueing and electroplating. Through a great deal of trial and error I have combined these processes and been able to produce some innovative results which have in turn been used on my finished tools.
I have forged the tools using traditional methods; they are constructed from tool steel to ensure their function and durability. I have shaped and polished these tools for the finish to be applied, and I have also produced the handles, which have been made from ash boards. My final range of tools are varied in their uses and feature different motifs from contour lines to wildlife.