The Covid-19 pandemic has had a high impact on women, both on a personal and professional level, with a greater share of childcare responsibilities (including home schooling), an increase in domestic violence and a higher proportion of job losses. We can hope that changes in working practices, including flexible hours and working from home, may benefit workers in the long term.
The Still Life animation was created to empathise with and celebrate the power of women on International Women’s Day – their practicality, strength and fortitude. Popular emojis travel around the screen referencing both the emoji’s ubiquity and the inadequacy many feel about how to express themselves under the enormous pressure of the pandemic. Still Life taps into the collective memories that give us our contemporary context – the Goddesses of our foremothers, who have contributed to our thinking today.
The themes of the Memento Mori and Vanitas explored in Rebecca’s recent work reflect a longstanding exploration of life, death and memory, often seen through material possessions, that is a key strand of thinking within her practice.
“I am interested in how our awareness and interpretation of what is valued may have shifted during lockdown and hope to communicate these concepts visually using video and gif formats that complement the installation work I make with projections. My work responds to places, people, their stories and memories. New experiments with animations are revealing different ways of communicating through images that can reach people on their own devices at home.”