Covid-19 Lockdown occurring during my MA initiated a change of direction in my work when I decided to focus on my home environment as the subject for my final module.
The changes around me occurring as a direct result of the worldwide curtailment of polluting human activities were evident and magnificent. The planet was beginning to heal demonstrated by the clearer skies, noticeably free from vapour trails; the birdsong and insect hum louder in the peace; colours more vibrant. I heard that blue skies were visible above Chinese cities for the first time in decades, that dolphins had been seen swimming in the river in Venice. So many signs. Almost miraculous change…
In deference to Covid, the gift of a harsh but vital lesson to humankind, I was moved to record some of the wonders of nature around my home; particularly incidences where nature was reclaiming the environment by taking over man made structures. Signs of hope.
I worked in a variety of media: drawing, photography and film, finding that each had its value as a tool for these observations.
I hope that we can learn from Covid; realise that we are a global people with a responsibility to this beautiful planet and all the beings that share it with us. To treat those beings with the respect they deserve. I have no doubt that otherwise we will be dealt an even harsher lesson. The planet has had enough.