My passions and influences which drive my work also inspired my final major project, entitled ‘The Feminine Identity Project’. The aim of this project is to uplift and celebrate women in their physical and emotional identities and to visually communicate these women’s identities to promote self-love and acceptance. This project aims to show women and girls that our learned ‘flaws’ and insecurities are beautiful and do not make us unworthy of taking up space. This illustration series visually discusses real women’s experiences with body image and how it affects their identities as women, as influenced by the world around us. These illustrations are based on conversations with women who wished to participate in this project, some of which sat for life drawing sessions with me which allowed me to really understand the features and contours of their bodies.
This process really allowed me to understand how to artistically and sensitively communicate these women and their experiences in my illustrations. The natural and floral imagery in these pieces have unique symbolic meaning in the practice of floriography and are symbolic of how these women currently feel about their bodies, and how they want to feel about their bodies. This work aims to show these women and others with similar bodies and experiences that they can accept and embrace their bodies and positively change their perceptions of themselves and their body image.