Hi, my name is Robyn Dane, I define myself as a Graphic Artist interested mostly in apparel design. The last year I have spent focusing on improving my branding skills and developing my ability to combine both my illustrative and graphic styles together, this exhibition will showcase my most recent works.

Within this exhibition you will see the works for three different projects, two of which are branding and the third is apparel design. Apparel is an area of the textile industry that I am very passionate about and would love to move into now that my studies are complete. My illustrative graphic style is starting to refine and I’m beginning to find my way, the project I am most proud of this year is definitely my Norse Mythology artwork which I successfully screen printed by hand onto a variety of clothing and then sold at this years CMYK Print and Illustration Festival. Hopefully you enjoy my work and I am excited about what the future holds for me in the textiles industry!