Hi, I’m Chloe! I’m a dedicated, confident performer and writer, interested in creative collaboration and drawn to authentic and impactful stories that are not typically told. I’ve inherently always wanted to be a storyteller and want to create pieces of work that feel real and relatable, in particular stories that delve into the LGBTQ+ community and mental health.
During my time at HCA, I have had the privilege to develop my acting skills through various roles and projects. In particular, the role of Hermia in my final year production of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ which has also allowed me to play and have fun, exploring Shakespeare’s language and taking on a character that is vastly different from myself. Playing Hermia has prompted me to consider pursuing Shakespeare work because of the amount of enjoyment I’ve had working on the play and the language.
HCA ignited my passion for writing. In response to an assignment brief for my ‘Solo Practice’ module, I started writing a play called ‘Infinite’, exploring the concept of parallel universes, with each scene representing a new universe. Since, I have continued to develop the original short story and script into a full-length play. I intend to further develop ‘Infinite’ and aim to take it to fringe festivals in the future.
More immediately, I have been accepted onto ‘All In Actors’ one year acting course in London, and I can’t wait to hone my acting craft even further.