My practice involves defying women’s stereotypical position and roles in society, through a humorous perspective. This involves role playing women’s feelings, fears and anxieties which are often inflicted through society’s norms, values and expectations of ‘traditional’ women. My work defies gender orientated ‘roles’, often illustrated through submissive housewives and male dominance, explaining why I choose sets that are characterised by domesticity. My home’s ordinary objects have created a consistent DIY aesthetic, which has characterised my outcomes as I intended.
I collected objects that best represent the causes of women’s problems, such as the Matsui 14V1R CRT television which has become a staple element object throughout my fake ‘films’ and adverts. Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle’s (1967) portrayal of disillusioned workers and rejecting capitalism interests me because my adverts are anti-capitalism and I adopt different personas that behave as disillusioned. My selected props and outfits aim to create scenes that articulate a variety of women’s oppressed lives. Stimulating stereotypical fictional scenarios inspire my creation of female personas, which I create through role play, dressing up and seeking domestic interiors. I investigate women’s untold decisions, wishes, dreams and desires which are often suppressed by society’s expectation of women. ‘Untold’ refers to the decisions some women have to make between their career and family. This is further subliminally supported through the toxic culture of women’s ‘health’ and beauty magazines, perfume adverts and female celebrity culture which enables me to blur reality with fiction and create hyperreal illusionary narratives.