My practice is inspired by Christianity and my pursuit to both question it and admire it in a complex dichotomy, which I unpack through both the writing and the physical outcomes which I produce. The origins of my inspiration are rooted in my Catholic education, which evoked an endless fascination of people’s relationships to theistic deities and how we attempt to interact with them. Previously these lines of inquiry have led me to investigate Eucharist, prayer, and architecture, each one attempting to unpack and understand people’s relationship with them. The methods of understanding I use combine contemporary digital design and 3D printing with traditional mould making and casting processes. Alongside my making, and at equal significance, is my written research which informs all aspects of my work, determining form, function, colour and scale. The culmination of this dialogue between writing and making results in monolithic ecclesiastical sculptures that attempt to inspire audiences to contemplate the norms produced by Christianity.