My Voice
My project for International Women’s Day 2021 was conceived because of an exhibition I created for the Courtyard in March 2020 which was cancelled, due to Covid 19.
I found it demoralizing removing my work without impact, either praise or criticism, skulking away into the abyss.
My voice was lost like so many before me.
It was a great privilege to have engaged with the Theatre Company ‘Gazebo’, I learned so much from them and the women that inspired them.
‘Wanted’ (the play) inspired me to continue in a similar vein and with ‘CovidTime’ I was able to utilise enormous amounts of it to research, reflection and development for this International Women’s Day multimedia work.
The title reflects the thoughts and feelings that have been swirling around in my head for almost a year. It has challenged me to my limits and with help from family and friends it is finally completed.
The triptych is multi-faceted and represents hidden, lost, distorted artwork that never saw the light of day.
Making them whole again in a cohesive, consolidated installation makes a powerful, meaningful statement.
‘Art and Truth’ cannot be destroyed while feminists continue to recognise and shout about their ‘Herstory’ and proudly pass their knowledge and experiences onto new and aspiring artists.

I am an “Artivist” looking at the world through a feminist contemporary discourse. My multimedia work questions the status quo and creates a dialogue.
I continue the legacy left by female artistic radicals who have gone before. My work is edgy, political, subversive and colourful.
Since graduating I have made work for theatre productions in the Conquest Theatre, Bromyard and the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford.
I am currently working with Hereford College of Arts to celebrate International Women’s Day for the third consecutive year.
My previous successes on I.W.D. are:
2019 – “Canary Ride” , 8th March
2020 – “A League of One’s Own” Hereford Football Ground 8th March
2018 Court Cupboard – Abergavenny
2019 H.C.A. Summer Exhibition Degree Show, Hereford
2019 Free Range, The Truman Building, Brick Lane, London
2020 Framework, Apple Store Gallery, Hereford
Residencies & Awards
Riverside Apartments 2016
Warehouse 701. Hereford 2019
H.C.A. Community Award 2019
Also, on display
New York
Mass. & Florida & other UK venues

Lin graduated from HCA with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art in 2019. Lin had a residency at Warehouse 701 where she exhibited her final degree show work. Part of her creative practice was facilitating a cycle ride to commemorate the Canary Girls from the Munitions Factories of Hereford during WWI & WWII.
The Canary Ride enabled a group of people to participate in relational art, telling a story of a forgotten time in social history, drawing them together through both art and physical activity. The ride included exhibitions, talks and presentation, retracing the Canary Girls lives and bringing them alive in our imaginations. From start to finish it ignited this group into a moveable, celebratory community.
It was a moving piece of history, so many people helped, organised, took part and immersed themselves in the lives of the Canary Girls. Never to be forgotten.
Last year Lin organised A League of Our Own, a football tournament at Hereford football ground on International Women’s Day. Women had not played on the pitch since Christmas Day 1917. The event included exhibitions, talks and performances from local artists. This too was a huge success.
In the Frame is Lin’s third event for 2021 and she hopes to see International Women’s Day in Hereford City’s calendar as an annual event.