‘Always look on the bright side of life’, is my mantra, and my work reflects this sentiment. I am an artist who considers the uncomfortable issues related to the human condition through individual and collaborative projects. Using paint, print, photography and mixed media assemblage, my projects explore the hidden taboos within society in a challenging, but somewhat playful way. My work is autobiographical, ambiguous and often humorous, as I take inspiration from my own experiences, and observations of everyday life.
Humans are the only mammals that drink another mammal’s milk. To satisfy our desire for cheap milk, dairy cows are maintained in a pregnant state for much of their life, kept indoors and milked mechanically three times a day. Mama’s Milk explores the objectification of not only the dairy cow but also of the woman. In the case of dairy cows, control over the reproductive system is an essential part of the ‘milk industry’ but, this is not dissimilar to the fact that women throughout the world are still fighting for access to pregnancy termination, or the choice to become pregnant in the first place.
Mama’s Milk
2021, Assemblage, Fabric and Plastic, 176cm
Becoming Cow 1
2021, Photograph, 180cmx120cm
Becoming Cow 11
2021, 180cmx120cm
Working Girls
2021, Linocut Print, fabriano paper, 38cmx27cm
Milking Time
2021, Linocut print, fabriano paper, 38cmx27cm
A Night at the Cowshed
2021, Linocut Print, fabriano paper, 38cmx27cm
Cash Cow
2021, Linocut Print, fabriano paper, 38cmx27cm
And All Because the Lady Loves…
2021, Installation, cardboard box, chocolate.