My practice challenges social ideology on female identity, which is structured around appearance and their figures. My work aims to provoke mixed opinions and questions on what is acceptable, empowering artwork. Challenged by social media’s convention, I show a realistic insight on the female figure and on gender stereotypical characteristics implicated by the male gaze.
Processes used to create my work are inspired by artists such as, Hannah Wilke and Marina Abramovic. I use my own body to bridge the gap between artist and viewer, to start a conversation. Referencing through photography/ performance applying to a larger movement of personifying women.
Wanna Be Bunny Girls
2021, Digital Images
Exploring the identity of women’s stereotypical roles enforced by patriarchal society through media, concentrating around male gaze applying sexualisation of the female image, especially when advertised as the “perfect women”. Being a larger female, considered unattractive or a fetish if desired, implied by society and using physical appearance to advantage, challenging people’s perceptions or toleration of conventional beauty.
This approach uses a humous take on personifying ‘Playboy bunny girls’ utilising a rabbit mask to portray various stereotypical scenarios in digital format and clay sculptures, typifying ideology placed on the female form, creating a dynamic, uncomfortable subject to the individual viewer.
Bunny Misfit
2021, Clay Sculpture
49 x 23 x 25 cm
This challenges normalisation, sexualising women being embedded into social construct. If considered conventionally attractive, therefore valued and respected by the opposite sex, women strive to achieve perfection with detrimental effects.
2021, Clay Sculptures, Mixed mediums
Various sizes
Humours sexual objects associated with women’s bodies from a male gaze. Experimentation through clay of female genitalia. Hinting at fetishisation that women should be porn stars/virginal. Unrealistic advertised through media.
Bunny Boiler
2021, Digital image
A stereotypical desired role of acting as the perfect housewife, preparing dinner to attract a husband.
Fat Bunny
2021, Digital image
The contemplation to be excepted and desired through beauty standards or to indulge in tempted temporary pleasures.
“Sugar tits”
2021, Digital image
This is a play on the male gaze concentrated on sexual harassment men commit when speaking to women.
Suburbs Bunny
2021, Digital image
A humorous play on conventional society and its enforced behaviours projected on to women’s identities, as simple beings that shop and gossip.