I work with 3D assemblage, installation and moving image, often in relation to architectural or contained space.
My practice is led by appropriating and then exploiting the traits of disregarded materials and objects. By paying attention to both the intrinsic qualities and the associated meanings of these materials, I create new permutations to evoke the joy, but also the precariousness of life.
My most recent work is inspired by memories of den-making, using bed sheets and responding to architectural features to create new spaces to occupy. I am exploring ideas of serious play, resourcefulness, retreat and escape. I am interested in the restorative qualities of both making and inhabiting dens and the positive connections which can take place between people in the space or for the chance to retreat. We all need some ways to escape, to be playful, to connect and importantly to disconnect. The work taps into a common childhood experience and by creating oversized dens I am allowing the den-inhabitant to regain the feeling of childhood and being small in relation to space.
The dens are complemented by my cabinet which shows den making props and people making small dens of their own, each with the same set of materials and objects. The verb list blanket is an homage to the recently deceased artist Richard Serra, who wrote a list of verbs for making such as; to fold, to wrap, to bend. I have made my own list of verbs for den inhabiting. Lastly, I have created a fairytale like installation from the tower of this beautiful building which can be seen from the exterior during the show.
Dissertation – Exploring Rachel Whiteread’s House, as Icon and Index